Hi. I need a loan amount of $5
Hi. I need a loan amount of $5
Hi. I need a loan amount of $50.000. Payment term within 60 months and I would like to start to pay after 6 months after getting loan. I want to create small business as sunflower seed packaging. That's why I need sunflower packaging machine, sunflower cooking machine and washer. I must build small factory for these. I have a big chance for selling sunflower seed to markets. But I can't do it because of I have not enough money. If you want to help me, you can demand all official documents from me and you can send a representative to me for seeing my area. I can give my big home as mortgage. If I want to sell my home, I can sell it at least $70.000-$80.000. Thank you very much. My contact: ramil.jafarzada@gmail.com, Phone: +99450 2651342