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QuitClaim Deed

Posted on: 03rd Aug, 2011 12:02 pm
i have been separated from my husband for 3 years now, this past april i purchased a home on my own with my own finances. the bank and title company told me that he would have to be at the closing because i am legally married. they advised that he was not on the loan nor the deed but he signed the mortgage. now we are going through with the divorce and i wanted to know if i needed to a quit claim deed. i am located in florida and the county where i live charge a fortune for tax documents. because he isn't listed on the loan or the deed can the quit claim deed be valued as a gift? do i need to do one at all? please help! i don't have money for an attorney and i cannot get a straight answer from anyone.
Welcome hlee,

If your husband's name is mentioned on the property deed, then you should ask him to sign a quitclaim deed and legally transfer the property to you.
Posted on: 03rd Aug, 2011 09:56 pm
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