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My father does not deserve to be thrown out on the street

Posted on: 09th Nov, 2011 06:21 pm
Oregon Department of Human Services Estate Recovery Division is throwing my dad out of his home. When my mother died the house was in her name only, and my parents were never legally married although they have been together for over 40 years and raised 2 children. My mom was not in any kind of long term care, she was not in a nursing home, she died unexpectedly and my father is devastated and now they are trying to throw him out of the house he built with his own hands.

I had a meeting with an attorny and he may as well have been working for the estate recovery program himself.
Any ideas?
Thank you,
Hi Chiarlei,

Did the Oregon Department of Human Services Estate Recovery Division give your father any reason why he is being removed from the property? If your mother was not in a nursing home, then estate recovery cannot take place.

Posted on: 09th Nov, 2011 08:29 pm
They said they are removing him to place the real property on the market to recover my mothers medical cost. She did have insurance through Kaiser, but apparantly Kaiser did not cover her full medical bills. At 60 years old she had pain in her leg went to the hospital (Kaiser) and 7 days later she died in the hospital. They said we could pay the 100,000 bill or the property will be sold.
Posted on: 17th Nov, 2011 09:44 am
No, she was in any kind of nursing home or even in home health care. She woke up on day with pain in her lower leg. My father has no right of survivorship because they were never legally married. Living together for over 40 years and raising children should mean more than a legal marraige license. My father built the home but they titled to my mother they never forsaw this happening.
Posted on: 17th Nov, 2011 09:47 am
Hi chiarlei!

Welcome to forums!

Depending upon your mother's situation, if you want to save the property, you will have to pay off the bills in full. You won't be able to avoid that.

Feel free to ask if you've further queries.

Posted on: 17th Nov, 2011 08:21 pm
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