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rent to own buyer being evicted

Posted on: 13th Mar, 2014 09:59 am
I am renting to own a house in fl. I have been late on payments but Have paid. I had to pay $6400 down on the home. It is paid and now I am paying the mortgage but have not closed. I thought we would close in Dec. 2013. Owner said we had to pay taxed on the house from 2012 and 2013 before we can close. We were late this month and we have been served and eviction notice. What can we do?
Pay the rent - of course he wants you to mess up he will keep your money and sell it to someone else - Read your contract if you break any item in the contract the seller can void the option to buy in most cases. You cant mess around with the monthly - when you go to get a mortgage they may ask to see the last 12 months payments if you are late they could deny you based on that - I would read the contract with regards to who pays the taxes.

Good Luck
Brian Barnes
ENG Lending
Nationwide Lender
Posted on: 13th Mar, 2014 02:04 pm
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