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CH:13 payment plan

Posted on: 07th Nov, 2009 10:59 am
I'm a little confused on how a CH:13 payment plan would work. I have 45k in credit card debt, my understanding is that this is an unsecured debt. When I file does this debt go away or am I making payments on this. I understand it's either a 3-5 year payment plan but on what amount? does the court decide what income is considered excess and then make that the amount I would pay? If I am on a payment plan for 5 years can I pay this off sooner? any info would be greatly appreciated.
Unsecured debts can get discharged once you file Chapter 13 bankruptcy. You will get the payment plans for your secured debts. The lender will give you the payment plan based on your financial situation. As far as I know, if you have the required amount, you can pay off the dues sooner.
Posted on: 09th Nov, 2009 12:31 am
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