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chap 7/13/ or none? What do we do?

Posted on: 08th Sep, 2010 08:31 pm
owned home for three years. Since recession living thru hell. Home is worth $170,000,we owe $240,000 with a $20,000 back payments due to forebearance of six months. Mortgage is $1900. Previous home is unoccupied for two months now with tenants moved out. Mortgage is $1000. I have been unemployed since 07/2009, and still looking. Recently tried filing chap 7, but discovered that all investments and monies will be frozen to pay off creditors. Can't afford to lose life savings and because of value of the investment, chap 13 payment is almost $3000 monthly not including utilities, school loans and living expense. What do we do? Planning on withdrawing our request. How soon after this can we refile?
Hi dee!

Welcome to forums!

You can withdraw your bankruptcy filing application. However, I don't think you will have to wait for a certain time period in order to refile it. You can re-file whenever you feel like. You should contact your bankruptcy attorney and he will guide you further in this regard.

Feel free to ask if you've further queries.

Posted on: 09th Sep, 2010 01:29 am
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