Posted on: 08th May, 2010 08:19 am
hi! I was dismissed on a Chap. 13 in Dec. 2009 due to crazy circumstances. My work was taking out payments for 2 1/2 years then my payments accidently started going to wrong place...took forever to try to get money back...however, about 5-6 months were not paid...anyhow, now I have a past creditor hounding me for $10,000 dollars!! What should I do? I am thinking about retiring to get rid of them. But I don't really want to retire yet.
would like quick reply?
Hi Guest,
As your bankruptcy was dismissed, the creditors have the rights to collect the dues from you. You can negotiate with your creditor and get a payment plan to pay off the dues.
As your bankruptcy was dismissed, the creditors have the rights to collect the dues from you. You can negotiate with your creditor and get a payment plan to pay off the dues.
you can also refile chap 13