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My ex wife still has me on the mortgage. I want my name off.

Posted on: 09th Feb, 2010 07:19 am
Divorced and because of the bankruptcy she claims she cannot get approved for a mortgate in her name alone. I am getting married and want my name off the mortgage. It is already off the title. She is claiming she can't do it. How can I make this happen?
one way or another, she would have to refinance to remove your name.
Posted on: 09th Feb, 2010 07:44 am
and that one way or another isn't coming any time soon if she's got a bankruptcy to hurdle over. it used to be simple when people divorced, but that's been a long time gone.
Posted on: 09th Feb, 2010 07:49 am
Yup you have a couple more years at least 3 before your name comes off the mortgage
Posted on: 09th Feb, 2010 12:22 pm
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