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Will I have a life after fiing bankruptcy?

Posted on: 13th Jan, 2012 12:19 am
Hi there… I need to file bankruptcy. I know that it will be a drastic decision but I guess I have no choice. I am 29 yr old with a 4 yr old. I'm presently in school and in the next few months will resume work as a nurse. 5 years ago I took out a lot of credit cards and now all these accounts are in negative or have been sold to collections. I also have a judgment as well. If I file for chap 7 will I have a life? Like buying a house and stuff like that. How long will that take. Someone please help.
Posted on: 13th Jan, 2012 12:37 am
If you go through bankruptcy, you'll end up debt free (Ch. 7), and you'll be able to get a fresh start on your life as a result. Yes, there is life after bankrutpcy, and it was invented to allow those who are overly burdened to get a fresh start.

Don't be terrified at the thought of it - discuss it with an attorney and see what the costs of filing are and try to get a handle on what the consequences of bankruptcy are, also.
Posted on: 13th Jan, 2012 01:20 pm
Welcome to MortgageFit Guest,

Of course there is life after filing bankruptcy and like gmakerley already stated, it's designed to give you a new lease on life (financially). Here are a few tips you can get started on right away to increase your credit score and have some emergency money if you decide to file bankruptcy:

1. Speak to your bank right away and state that you want to reestablish your credit. your bank is a great and valuable source of information and can help you reestablish your credit.

2. Open a savings account that allows you to make automatic monthly payments to it. 5% - 10% from every paycheck per month is a reasonable amount to deposit and you'll have a pretty nice balance by the end of the year.

3. Since you are a student, it gives you a great opportunity to show lenders how responsible you are. make every payment in full and on time.

Good luck!
Posted on: 16th Jan, 2012 03:49 pm
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