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filed chapter 13 both were dismissed

Posted on: 20th Feb, 2010 10:45 am
Now, should I file for Chapter 7 to wipe out everything since my mortgage is now current? On my credit report is old medical bills and old credit cards balances. Would Chapter 7 help me or just leave everything the way it is?
and i saw your other post too, soldiergirl, so this answer takes that into consideration. if you ever feel the need to add to a post you've put up here, simply reply to the original one, instead of creating a new one. somebody might look at that chapter 13 reference and have no clue what it is about. goes: i can't really comment on how ch 7 is going to work for you - i am not a bankruptcy expert at all...but i would think that the 2 dismissals of the chapters 13 might work against you...perhaps the court has its reasons that would also apply for a 7? sorry i can't be of more help...i think it wise to discuss this with your attorney and/or with the bankruptcy court itself.
Posted on: 20th Feb, 2010 11:24 am
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