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Another American Losing their Job! ? about Hardship D/C

Posted on: 12th Feb, 2009 08:59 pm
I think I just posted this in a reply to someone. Sorry about that. I just found out my job is ending the end of this month. I have been in a Ch. 13 bankrupcy with payroll deductions for about 16 mos of a 3 year plan. I have a vehicle through this too and now need to relocate across country to live with family as a result of this event. Is this considered a hardship? I had a Ch. 7 bankrupcy unfortunately in 2002 due to the crisis we had in America then and a medical condition that devastated me financially. Is there a time frame between being able to consider a Ch 7 bankrupcy?

Thanks for helping...Light
hi light,

it will be totally the lender's discretion whether he will consider job loss and relocation as a hardship or not. as far as i know, you can file chapter 7 once in 8 years.

as you have filed chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2002, you will be able to file it again in the year 2010. but it is always better to consult a bankruptcy attorney in this case. he will guide you in a better way.

Posted on: 12th Feb, 2009 09:27 pm
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