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Report accurately

Posted on: 21st Mar, 2012 01:14 am
Well, I have known that creditors can't report you late when you have already filed bankruptcy. But to my surprise, I have lenders who have reported me late after a month of my bankruptcy filing. How should I deal with this stuff? Most of them are also marked included in bankruptcy in addition to being marked charge off after the filing date. Will it help my credit at all to get these to report accurately or would it be about meaningless at this point?
Hi Wangari,

You should contact your bankruptcy attorney and ask him to deal with this matter. He must have sent letters to your creditors mentioning the fact that you have filed bankruptcy and that they should stop reporting the items to the credit bureaus. You should definitely ask the creditors to rectify the matter.

Take care
Posted on: 21st Mar, 2012 02:39 am
Hi Wangari!

Welcome to forums!

I agree with the opinion of Sara. You will have to inform the bankruptcy attorney about the situation and ask him to take the required steps. He will send a letter to the creditor and ask them to not report the items to the credit bureaus as you have filed bankruptcy.

Feel free to ask if you've further queries.

Posted on: 21st Mar, 2012 09:29 pm
Since you have already filed for bankruptcy, it should be reported to your lender. Once the lenders are intimidated, then it is informed to the credit bureaus.
Posted on: 28th Mar, 2012 02:27 am
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