Posted on: 30th Mar, 2009 10:17 pm
the only thing I have of value is a 9 year old truck which i've gotten estimates around 4 -5,000 for. I'ts my sole means of transportation to work for myself and girlfriend. Can they take this vehicle from me, my highest single debt is a judgement for 7,000, the rest is small.
hi yosif,
you haven't mentioned the type of bankruptcy you have filed. however, i guess, you've filed chapter 7 bankruptcy. in case of chapter 7, the bankruptcy trustee can liquidate your vehicle in order to pay off your creditors.
take care.
you haven't mentioned the type of bankruptcy you have filed. however, i guess, you've filed chapter 7 bankruptcy. in case of chapter 7, the bankruptcy trustee can liquidate your vehicle in order to pay off your creditors.
take care.
wouldn't you think you would have asked this question of an attorney with whom you would be consulting concerning the filing of said bankruptcy?
Thanks for the rude response gmakerley. Obv I have and haven't got a clear answer yet, just trying to get additional info. Preeessshh
forgive me, please. it was not intended to be rude. i am forever seeing bad advice given to those who ask what might be simply-answered questions if addressed to the proper authority.
honestly, there are gads of folk who originate their information search here and some of them take what is told them as gospel.
i have no expertise in the area of bankruptcy - i'm a loan officer. though i know a great deal, it's not worthy of spouting to those with specific questions. legal questions, in my opinion, are best addressed to those in the legal profession, and so on.
my concern was, as i wrote that (perhaps too un-tenderly), that you might not have already posed the question to the right individual and that you might, as some do, take the answer received her and run with it.
in the 14 hours since you posted the question, you've only had the two responses. that gratifies me, as it shows me that there isn't anyone else reading the post who feels qualified to answer. too often, those who feel qualified are not.
i'm cautious like that. i encourage you to rattle the cage of those to whom you posed the question originally so you can settle the matter.
honestly, there are gads of folk who originate their information search here and some of them take what is told them as gospel.
i have no expertise in the area of bankruptcy - i'm a loan officer. though i know a great deal, it's not worthy of spouting to those with specific questions. legal questions, in my opinion, are best addressed to those in the legal profession, and so on.
my concern was, as i wrote that (perhaps too un-tenderly), that you might not have already posed the question to the right individual and that you might, as some do, take the answer received her and run with it.
in the 14 hours since you posted the question, you've only had the two responses. that gratifies me, as it shows me that there isn't anyone else reading the post who feels qualified to answer. too often, those who feel qualified are not.
i'm cautious like that. i encourage you to rattle the cage of those to whom you posed the question originally so you can settle the matter.
legal act i think he can but see try and explain him what your condition is sometimes moral vlaue are more important if the guy is kind hearted he wil understand your problem and will not take any legal action against you try solving it mutually it will be better and in this time of recession evrerybody will understand your problem so dont worry just try talking out .thats what i think .
see what i mean, josif?