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Chapter 7 and tax refund

Posted on: 28th Mar, 2012 01:21 am
I received tax refund this year and I pay back to some of my friends in cash. Now I filed chapter 7. They asked me what is my friend's name and address because why I have money then I don't pay back to them? I am in Debt consolidate program. Can credit card call my friend to ask money from my return to them?
The bankruptcy trustee will want to check why you're paying your friends. In case they find any discrepancy, they can contact your friend and may ask him to pay back the amount so that the trustee can use it to pay your other creditors.
Posted on: 28th Mar, 2012 03:18 am
It depends a bit on which circuit court your in and how they feel and expecially how much is involved, obviously large amounts are wanted for creditors and it just seems unfair for you to not pay someone your debt, because you didn't have the money, because you had too much withheld or prepaid, when the amount withheld/prepaid is controllable and returned to you.

Posted on: 28th Mar, 2012 07:15 pm
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