After buying your house, what should you do first? Is it décor work or plumbing work? What is that thing which make worth your time and the money? You need to understand that you have just bought a house, now it is your turn to establish it as your home. We all knew that buying a house is a long-term investment. So, you must also act like a wise homeowner and make your house a long-term benefit for you and your family.
So, wake up and put your efforts and time to make a superior home for your family. These important decisions will help you to create a homely environment without stretching your time.
1) Set up your kitchen first – At the end of the day, you all need to take some food. After a hard working day, having good food is like a dream come true. So, make a list of your to-do décor work and put the kitchen work at the top. Set up your kitchen with different shades and colors. It's not mandatory that kitchen need to be dull as you are not living there. Practically, most of the family members who stays at home, spent 87% of their time at kitchen.
2) Plant as many trees as you can – Maintaining a yard in front of your house is a good idea. The greenery will sooth your eye more than anything else. You can also plant trees in front of your yard. Big leafy trees will give your house a real natural environment. It will also reduce your cooling cost in summer as trees will provide a shady, cool atmosphere. Apart from that, if you plant enough trees in your yard or around your house in different places, you can increase your house's market value by 7% to 15%.
3) Initiate a monthly check up for maintenance – It means you'll have to make a system so that you'll have the data of your house's maintenance works. No matter how small it is, it shouldn't skip your eyes. Maintaining proper logs with date and expenses will be need to compare your previous repairing cost with your recently made repair costs. Trust me, it'll help to save your wallet a bit.
4) Find and use hidden places – Every house has some unique places which normally remains hidden from our eyes. It happens because we do not use these places often. So, you need to find those hidden places and clean them properly. After completing the setup, you must use those places according to your needs. For an example – clean up your attic and use it like a playhouse for your children, or you can use it for storing old but good personal stuff. Similarly, how about setting up your basement area for laundry work? Think about it.
5) Check water supply and sewage system – Two important aspects of a clean house are proper continuous supply of fresh water and a smooth clear sewage system. So, make sure your water supply and sewage system remains perfect all the time. Check manually if there is any blockage or malfunction of pumps.
6) Put an extra trash can while partying – You can arrange an extra trash can for your house. Normally we all use 2 cans in our kitchen. But you can also put another one as an extra while there is party in your house. The more the party flows, the more garbage will gather.
7) Install a home-security device – You don't want that an outsider will damage your property or harm your family just for some money, don't you? So, just to be in a safer side, install a home-security device. It will help you to protect your family and your house from unwanted guests like thieves and burglars. There are other several measures you might need to think about. Plan your living so that you may call the house as “My home”.