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The BAD BOSS : Are you really hurting your business?


Positive and comfortable environment are always important for creating a successful work-place. A healthy relationship between every employee & the bosses is required for the growth of the company as well as every individual associated with it.

But, do you have any intuition that as a leader or a boss, your subordinates are not liking you much? Is it common that in every “boss's day", not even a single employee sends you any greetings? As a senior or boss, your main duty is to implement the company's vision with the help of your colleagues. But while making strong decisions, your actions & behaviors might not be liked by your subordinates. Does that mean you are a bad boss?

So, let's face the truth & identify yourself whether you are a “Bad Boss” or not.

1. Fearsome – In many workplaces, it is seen that employees are afraid of their boss whom they not even know properly. It is because the reputation of the boss creates fear among their minds badly. If you feel this also happens with you, then you are also proclaimed as a “Fearsome Boss”

Financial effect – People will always fear to share new ideas with you which might make your revenue surprisingly high.

2. Bad managing skill – If you can't convince your colleagues about a strategy & you rather become harsh regularly to achieve the goal, it will become impossible to maintain the success you have achieved. Boss is a leader of the team, if the team do not believe in your vision, the entire process will get rotten to the core as you have failed to motivate your subordinates.

Financial effect – Financial success must be achieved through true discipline, motivation & liberty. If you do not have faith upon your workers & visions, success will not be achievable.

3. Stressful – In stressful situations, a good boss always try to keep up with all things & never express signal of stress on his/her face. Being a boss you shouldn't lose control over your emotions & don't allow them to dictate over your behavior.

Financial effect – Too much stress might tend you to wrong financial decisions regarding both personal & professional life. Being the leader of the team, if you portray yourself as a stressed out individual, your teammates may also get confused while choosing right options. It will hamper the workflow as well as incoming revenue.

4. Availability – A good boss should be always available to his subordinates, so that they can connect with him regarding any kind of matter. Employees require full attention from their boss to convey any good ideas to increase productivity. If you are unavailable & inaccessible to your colleagues at the most crucial time, then you will surely be considered as irresponsible boss rather than a bad one.

Financial effect – Many urgent financial decisions, if not taken on time then that can derail your monetary success. It will stop productivity causing low profit margin.

5. Trustworthiness – A good boss sometimes also convey tough messages. But you must perform this job in a friendly manner within the context of a trusted relationship. If you are deprived off that quality, you may deliver your note harshly but it will have a negative impact on your employees minds. They may misinterpret you or simply ignore you.Trustworthiness comes along with respect. If your employees do not respect you, they can't trust you also. But if you gain their trust, tough messages have a higher likelihood of hitting the mark.

Financial effect – Lack of respect & trust will hamper your productivity. If employees do not trust you, they might not trust your vision, your goals also. They will not render their full potentiality towards their work to achieve the best. Thus, the net earning will get effected.

6. Responsibility – You can't always blame your subordinates for all major mistakes & failures. As a manager of a business team, you should be responsible for what your juniors do in your watch. You can't push others under the bus just to secure yourself. After all the final decision maker is you. Without your support, your team will not perform to its optimum level. Avoiding responsibility may hurt your credibility from the both end, company & your juniors. If you are taking the appreciation for the good, you must also take the blame for your short-comings openly.

Financial effect – Your employees will be demoralized due to your constant blaming. If some one is not doing well, try to talk with him,& encourage him for better performance. If your employees are not getting motivated or inspired, they will not work to their full capacity & not serve you 100% towards productivity. This will increase the possibility of low profit & decreasing performance.

If you are serious about your position & want to retain the high performing, dedicated employees, you must maintain the above given characteristics within you. If you take care of your employees, they will also take care of you & will provide their constant support towards you & the company's growth. Identify yourself & become a good boss, spend this 16th October - “Boss's Day” along with your co-workers & subordinates joyfully.

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