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how do you calculate income from tax returns?

Posted on: 26th Apr, 2011 03:05 pm
Does anyone know how to calculate income from tax returns and is there a spread sheet I can use? Thank

It depends on the type of tax returns. If you are a wage earner, then you would take your adjusted gross income and deduct any 2106 expenses. If you are self employed then you would take the AGI and add back in any depreciation and subtract any meals and entertainment.
Posted on: 26th Apr, 2011 04:20 pm
The tax calculator looks like a regular IRS income tax form and lets you enter your actual or estimated income, dependent, deduction, and tax credit information. There is no need to enter sensitive personal information such as your name or Social Security Number.
Posted on: 22nd Jun, 2011 11:55 pm
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