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Which is safer - Credit/debit card?

Posted on: 03rd Sep, 2007 04:19 am
Debit and credit cards are something we cannot do without. But many of us often fail to protect the cards from people out there to misuse them.

Until a few years ago, one could easily say how a credit and debit card differs. A debit card is the one you can use at your ATM with a PIN Number whereas credit card is one you use to make big purchases or when you don't have the money at hand but need urgent cash.

But in recent times, you can get debit and credit cards � both having the same company logo and can be used to make purchases online. But even then, legal protections vary when it comes to dealing with credit and debit cards. But which is more safer? I'm not sure, can guess that debit cards would be safer but credit cards are more useful..any thoughts on this??
As far as the safety is is definitely a credit card.

For any unauthorized transaction which happens through a stolen CC you have to bear only the first $50 of the transactions. Incase of the debit card the liability remains the same $50 but only if you notify the CC company within two business days otherwise penalty could be around $500.

When a thief spends from the case of a credit card the account used will be that of a creditor but in case of a debit card the account used will be yours. Therefore things will be more tough.

However I dont deny the usefulness of a debit card. While making purchases its better to use available money than going into a debt.

Laura Williams
Posted on: 27th Sep, 2007 11:36 pm
Hi all,

Credit and debit cards are both essential for any individual. But it is important to know when to use which card to get the best results. For big purchases over the internet or phone, it is best to use a credit card as it offers more protection unlike a debit card.

If a debit card is stolen, the person doing so will withdraw cash from your bank account by using your debit card data. So, in a way you lose your money without having done anything for your personal use. But if a credit card is stolen, at least the purchase is initially by the card issuer and so as a victim you don't have to pay the money until and unless the matter is disputed.

Besides, when you use a credit card, the funds you use are that of a creditor. So, there's no use of your personal account. Hence if a person gets access to your credit card data, your personal bank account isn't affected unlike a debit card.

Good luck
Posted on: 28th Sep, 2007 11:17 pm
hi, well i will prefer debit card. caron, we can even make purchase using our debit card. what ever we buy in credit card is like a debt we have to pay for the bank anyway, later. but where as in debit card its our savings which we will spend. Anybody can buy using another person credit card by fraud signature where as in case of debit card pin number is needed to purchase so its not possible for the frauds to make use of it.
Posted on: 03rd Oct, 2007 03:11 am
Yes webmaster, you're quite right. Anyone can commit frauds by using one's signature in the credit card but there are laws that can protect the consumer and these are far more wider than that of debit cards.

I agree that for debit card frauds, one has to know the Pin Number. And, that's the reason as to why debit cards are stolen. I do believe both are essential and both can be used for various purposes depending upon how easy we feel using it for such purposes.

Good luck
Posted on: 05th Oct, 2007 11:54 pm
I would say credit card .You can get the protection for it and also keep your limit low so even if someone did get at it ,they could not spend to much before it would not let them use it.
Posted on: 04th Feb, 2008 07:49 am
Even though my debit card has a Visa logo on it and I can say credit and only have to sign instead of use a pin ,it still is a debit card and I cannot use more money than I have in my bank acct. I would vote for a credit card as you can pay a fee and have fraud protection or it already has it on there.
Oops! Sorry ,Did not see I already posted to this question.
Posted on: 12th Feb, 2008 08:16 am
Oh oh not a problem :) the good thing is indeed that credit cards have fraud protection. But even then there are frauds, i don't know how these guys keep on inventing new ways of committing frauds.
Posted on: 13th Feb, 2008 02:27 am
Well they probly don't earn a living .Fraud is how they live so they devote 8 hrs a day to figuring out new ways to dupe people... :roll:
Posted on: 15th Feb, 2008 11:03 am
I would go with credit card. I know Dave Ramsey would disagree but I have a credit card that I use to pay most of my utilities and all my monthly expenses, groceries, gas, etc. The balance is paid each month so no finance charges. With the credit card you are spending the banks money, earn rewards, keep your money longer, etc.
I also have to agree with carnahandavid and his explination of better fraud protection with cc as opposed to dc.
Posted on: 18th Feb, 2008 07:36 pm
Contrary to popular belief, it is actually much safer to use credit card for transactions. When you use your credit card, the transactions usually take a day or two before any money is carried out unlike with debit, the money is immediately taken out of your account and deposited to the respective establishs account. That is why, if you have been victimized by credit card fraud, you are given a reasonable amount of time to dispute the transactions and have them cancelled. But if a thief makes use of your debit card, you are at risk of losing all of your money in that account because wiring money through debit is processed in real-time. Make sure that protect yourself by following the tips listed on
Posted on: 19th Apr, 2013 04:43 am
Major difference when using a credit card, you are spending money you don't have.When repaying you pay with interest and other fees.

Debit card, you are spending your own money and no interest is due besides the normal transaction fees.
Posted on: 21st Apr, 2013 02:23 am
That was a nice explanation, Opondo!! :)
Posted on: 22nd Apr, 2013 10:04 pm
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