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Sales tax

Posted on: 04th Feb, 2010 07:46 am
I was going through ALOT of receipts in prep of filing my taxes and I came across a pay off receipt (paid off in 09) for something I had financed in 08. Since it was paid off in 09, can I add that to my itemized decuctions? Also, I am required to have a cell phone and in home internet service for my job. The co. I work for pays a small portion of both bills but not all. Can I claim any thing related to that? :?
Hi LaLa!

Welcome to forums!

As you've paid off the loan/debt on '09, you can add it to your itemized deductions. However, as far as your cell phone and home internet bill is concerned, I would suggest you to contact a CPA and take his opinion in this regard.

Feel free to ask if you've further queries.

Posted on: 04th Feb, 2010 10:41 pm
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