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conversion to section 8

Posted on: 05th May, 2010 04:11 pm
what will section8 do for those whomn where sppose to convert into section8 from a shelter rent assistace program calle workadvantage in which after 2 years ursuppose to convert to section8
Hi kay,

There are certain requirements which are hard to meet in the Work Advantage program. Such requirements may make things tougher for the struggling families. For instance, a 3-member family is generally needed to pay $50 rent per month and save at least 10-20% of the rent. But at the same time the family needs to have an income which is below twice the poverty level. In practicality, many families have income way below that limit.

On the contrary, the Section 8 voucher program needs a family to pay 30% of the monthly income towards the rent and the rest is subsidized. This means the family will be left with rest of the 70% monthly income to meet its other basic requirements like food, clothing, etc.
Posted on: 05th May, 2010 11:31 pm
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