Posted on: 12th Aug, 2009 09:34 pm
What is zero budgeting and how to do it
Zero budgeting is the one kind of technique of budget in which you plan the budget for the year from zero ie previous year is not consider in this budget.Budget is started of New year assuming it Zero base year.

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Zero budegting is where you allocate every incoming money to an outgoign money
So at the end of the day you will know what every dollar was sepnd or saved
So at the end of the day you will know what every dollar was sepnd or saved
zero-based budgeting may be a rolling process done over several years.
Zero-based budgeting starts from a "zero base" and every function within an organization is analyzed for its needs and costs.This budgat is for upcoming needs.
Zero-based budgeting starts from a "zero base" and every function within an organization is analyzed for its needs and costs.This budgat is for upcoming needs.
Do you read before you post the answer.
Your post does nto ahev any relevence to the question
Do you read before you post the answer.
Your post does nto ahev any relevence to the question