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How much to save by Debt Consolidation

The calculator shows you how you can save on your income tax by consolidating high interest debts into a single lower interest home-equity loan.

Payment Detail Debt Balance
Interest Rate
(% per annum)
Monthly Pmt
No. of Payments Left
Total Interest Left
New Loan Information
Need Additional Cash? If So Enter Amount Here
Interest Rate (% per annum)
Number of Years
Estimated Closing Costs ($)
Federal & State Tax Rate (%)
How much will my monthly payment be if I consolidate all of my debts into a single home-equity loan?
New Loan
Total Principal Balance ($)
Effective Rate Before Taxes (%)
Effective Rate After Taxes (%)
Total of Monthly Payments ($)
Monthly Tax Savings ($)
Monthly Payment Reduction ($)
Total Monthly Savings ($)
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