Posted on: 17th Nov, 2009 06:41 pm
I have a quitcalim deed to a house that has been signed and notarized but not recorded. My spouse filed for divorce. In california on the quitclaim when it says "sole and separate property" does it mean "sole and separate property or is it still subject to division of property?
If you have not recorded this deed in country records to make it validate, that means this deed is invalid & it will not be considered.
I have been told that if it is notarized it is valid and I should record as soon as possible by the county registrar. If I record it now what would keep it from being valid? Would I have done something illegal in California?
Hi jessie w,
As your husband has already filed for a divorce, I would suggest you to contact an attorney and take his opinion before recording the quitclaim deed. He would be the right person to let you know the consequences, if any.
As your husband has already filed for a divorce, I would suggest you to contact an attorney and take his opinion before recording the quitclaim deed. He would be the right person to let you know the consequences, if any.
attorney advised if notartized it is valid whether recorded or not and advised to record it...just updating for others
attorney advised is valid because was notarized; advised to record it...just to updatte you
it is really a surprise to know that without registration deed will be valid.
it is now recorded so isn't it valid?
Hi jessie,
Your query has been answered in the given page:
Take a look at it. I hope it'll help you.
Your query has been answered in the given page:
Take a look at it. I hope it'll help you.