Posted on: 22nd Jun, 2009 11:42 am

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if this isn't blatant advertising, what is?
I found 139 complaints made against American Debt Foundation in the past 36 months on the Better Business Bureau website, 102 of the complaints were for not performing as per their contractual agreement. The BBB report does say the company is responding to complaints. Compare this to the report for Consumer Credit Counseling Services, a very well-known company -- I randomly picked the CCCS for 5 different states in the U.S. and all had zero complaints. So, putting this info. out there for consumers in response to the guest post -- let us consumers be our own best advocates and do our research!
thank you eva...i highly recommend cccs. i've known of them for about 20 years, and had first-hand involvement with them and customers. they've never been anything other than above board with their work.
i don't want to sound like a tout, but when there is truly a non-profit agency that does its job, they deserve accolades. this american debt foundation is "affiliated" with a 501(C)3 non-profit organization. i'm not sure just what affiliation brings.
i don't want to sound like a tout, but when there is truly a non-profit agency that does its job, they deserve accolades. this american debt foundation is "affiliated" with a 501(C)3 non-profit organization. i'm not sure just what affiliation brings.
I couldn't agree with you more and hope all our forum friends will do their research before signing on with any credit guidance agency.
I couldn't agree with you more and hope all our forum friends will do their research before signing on with any credit guidance agency.
This company actually help me settle my 45k debt. I truly belive if you stick with the program it will work. I believe it's the consumers fault anyways for getting into debt, so don't point the finger, be smart and get yourself out of debt. American Debt Foundation, id the way to go.
Eric Lynch
Eric Lynch
okay fred...nice work again.
I visited the "" website and think you are mistaken. The website was like a search engine with links to information about consumer services related to insurance, employment, credit checks, and a whole host of other categories. Did you list the wrong website?
[Link deactivated as per forum rules. Thanks.]
I visited the "" website and think you are mistaken. The website was like a search engine with links to information about consumer services related to insurance, employment, credit checks, and a whole host of other categories. Did you list the wrong website?
[Link deactivated as per forum rules. Thanks.]
No got the right one look at there bbb rating they are an F at least American Debt Foundation has a C rating... Find me an A rating Debt Settlement Company and I will personally pay off your debt... Hi George:)
eva, you are perfectly correct. does not exist as a "ripoff" site as we'd expect it. i checked the next entry on Google that came up when i googled and found there were 6 entries about CCCS. Six is a whole lot less than being "all over" the ripoff site.
i stand by my recommendation for CCCS, and i stand by my own reputation. if i were a ripoff artist, i sure wouldn't waste my time with some of the posts i've left on here. for every 100 phone calls and/or emails i have received from people in this community, i have ZERO deals. that's a pretty big waste of time and energy if that's what i'm trying to do, wouldn't you say?
i stand by my recommendation for CCCS, and i stand by my own reputation. if i were a ripoff artist, i sure wouldn't waste my time with some of the posts i've left on here. for every 100 phone calls and/or emails i have received from people in this community, i have ZERO deals. that's a pretty big waste of time and energy if that's what i'm trying to do, wouldn't you say?
American Debt Foundation: They are legit they can help settle your debt easy.... Help me with mine stick with the program you will be fine:)
It's very common for consumers today to find themselves in heavy debt situation that is out of their control. Figure if you're making minimum payments on $11,000 at 18% interest, it could take you up to 34 years to finally pay off. American Debt Foundation, Inc.'s debt settlement program helps you reduce credit card debt. American Debt Foundation, Inc. works solely for you and not the creditors so you will have the peace of mind knowing that everything we do is in your best interest. By choosing American Debt Foundation, Inc.'s debt settlement program you will reduce your debt.
well i guess by now it's obvious to anyone what a delightfully wonderful organization this is! i'm certain that neither of the previous two posters has any connection to the organization, but are without doubt satisfied customers - no, not just satisfied, but grateful and loving!
i think i smell a rat.
i think i smell a rat.
This company is highly rated, I looked them up on the better business Bureau and found that they are one of the few companies that have a good rating, the others I found them to have an F rating.... Go with American Debt Foundation (866)411-DEBT (866)411-3328:) Cheers
I have been enrolled with American Debt Foundation for 3 years and they have already settled 9 of my 11 credit cards saving me $9,664.00. They have been very attentive and have done a superb job in handling my account. I am glad that I chose to work American Debt Foundation. Melanie B.