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Everhome Mortgage Company - Share your experience

Posted on: 20th Nov, 2009 02:38 am
I have taken a mortgage from Everhome Mortgage Company and have been paying off the dues successfully over the years. Even in this period of real estate crisis, I've tried paying my monthly mortgage dues on time. This August, I received a call from them notifying me that they did not receive my mortgage payment. I was shocked as I had sent them the payments on time. I put a stop payment on the original check that I had sent them. The next day, I sent them a new check. However, it was late and they were charging me late fees.

A few days later (round about a week), to my surprise, I received the original check with the notation "Lost in mail". The check had also the date stamped on the back of the check 08/11/09. It was considered late on 08/19/09. I've sent them numerous faxes asking them to reverse the late fees that they've charged me. But they never respond to my faxes. A few days back, I send them another check with a copy of the back of the check so that Everhome would get a proof and reverse the late charges. But I was wrong. They now claim that they did not receive that fax. I've decided to send the copy of the check once again in the hope that they would get it and take action.

Anyone with similar experience dealing with Everhome?
I too have a bad experience with Everhome. However, mine is not a mortgage issue but the issue of home insurance. My home insurance is in a mess because of them. My original home loan company transferred my loan to Everhome. After the transfer, Everhome called me up and notified me that they would require my home insurance details as did not have the same. I called my home insurance company and they faxed the details to them. The same day I called Everhome to check out whether or not they received the details. They told me it would take 1 day to receive and process the details.

After around 2 weeks, Everhome called me back to inform that they did not receive the info and they're assigning my account to another insurance company. I called up my insurance company and asked them to refax the details to them. As my insurance is paid from the escrow, my insurance company asked them to pay off the dues or else my account will become delinquent. Everhome has declined to do so until they get the proper documents.

I don't think Everhome Mortgage Company will cooperate with me. Thus, my home insurance would get delinquent and they would then assign it to someone of their choice who may charge me a higher amount. :(
Posted on: 20th Nov, 2009 02:57 am
Thanks to both of you for sharing your experience in the community. It would help others while they go ahead and deal with this company. Indeed, the lender should have been a bit more cooperative with both of you and resolved the issues.
Posted on: 20th Nov, 2009 03:05 am
I'm on the same boat as you all are… I've a loan with them and regularly pay the dues (yes, even in this period of economic crisis!!!). Few months back, I mailed my payments as usual but Everhome Mortgage Company informed me that they did not receive it. I then decided to pay by phone and well…they charged an additional $12. 2.

Next month, in order to avoid the late fees, I decided to pay by web. They told me that if I pay by web by or on the due date, I won't have to pay the extra fee. However, I was unable to pay by web as the service was going through some upgradation. Then, I had to pay by phone and they charged me a processing fee of $12. I think they want to go for the automatic payment, which will be of advantage to them.

Though I pay my dues on time…this is what I received from my loan servicer. :(
Posted on: 20th Nov, 2009 09:52 pm
Want to know the mailing address of Everhome Mortgage Company... Can anyone help? Want to send my monthly payments to them...
Posted on: 20th Nov, 2009 10:26 pm
Hi KJ!

Welcome to forums!

The contact details of the Everhome Mortgage Company is as follows:

East Coast Center:
P.O. Box 530579, Atlanta,
GA 30353-0579

West Coast Center:
P.O. Box 79301, City of Industry,
CA 91716-9301

Feel free to ask if you've further queries.

Posted on: 20th Nov, 2009 10:56 pm
i sure hope they're performing on behalf of someone! this is a sad state of affairs if they're that inept in dealing with their customer service. i guess we who are in competition with them for lending business ought to be happy, huh?
Posted on: 21st Nov, 2009 12:26 pm
I've similar complaints about Everhome Mortgage Company. I applied for a mortgage with them and got one. But to my surprise, they misreported my lot number. And my escrow payment was misused. It took two years for them to correct the computing problem. Some of the funds were traced and applied to my account however the major amount is still un-traced. I've complained against them to the BBB.
Posted on: 25th Nov, 2009 10:44 pm
Double check with Everhome, in fact, get something in writing from them as to what physical address - not PO Box, not drop box - a PHYSICAL ADDRESS to which you can send your monthly mortgage payments CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. Payments being "lost in the mail" and the "lost" checks suddenly showing up being processed is complete and total BS - especially if they refuse to reverse any fees due to their own negligence. The issue with sending payments CRR is that the "regular" payment address and the PHYSICAL address of the company may, in fact, be different. The payment address may be nothing more than a drop box addy that won't be able to accept CRR mail. So get a good physical address IN WRITING so if/when your first CRR payment is "lost" you can show them that they generated the address. If you're going to be hit with late fees every month anyway you may as well spend the money WISELY and use it to protect yourself.

Make sure you hang on to those original checks. Scan/copy them into digital format if at all possible. Put the original and a digital copy away for safe keeping. And yes, I have evidence of this happening to me posted on GetDShirtz on the "payment hold" page.

You might want to being to inquire as to whether Everhome still owns your original note or if the note has been sold and Everhome has retained the servicing rights to your loan. As long as Everhome holds on to the servicing rights there is no law that requires anyone to notify a borrower that the NOTE/loan has been sold and/or securitized. This sounds like a classic servicing trick to generate more fees to feed the bottom line.... Document EVERYTHING from this point onward - just in case....
Posted on: 28th Nov, 2009 09:52 pm
Tax Escrow held (by Everhome Mortgage) for paying of ""2011"" taxes is being held (in excess of $800). This is an OVERAGE from paying 2010 property taxes. Everhome refuses to return, refund or credit this amount to principal. They also refuse to pay interest on the funds which they are holding illegally. Each month I am paying "in" to escrow. These payments to cover 2011 are included in the Jan-Dec 2010 payments. This overage is over and above that.

This is a National scam which needs some press attention. If they do this to a million people, it is 800+ Million Dollars, earning interest in "their account". It is simple larceny!
Posted on: 08th Dec, 2009 09:49 am
I have a mtg with Everhome because the bank I took my mtg out with sold it to them. It's amazing to me that we can spend all this time and effort in selecting a lender, working with them, trusting them, and then the jerks sell our loan off to a piece of crap company like Everhome. I have yet to talk to an actual person there, their call volume is always "too high" and they simply hang up! Their website sucks, try and "take the survey" option - it LOGS YOU OUT. I guess that pretty much says it all.
Posted on: 01st Mar, 2010 10:30 am
there's no doubt that the old days of shopping for a mortgage were easier on the public. you went to the local bank, spoke with the mortgage officer, who told you they had one product - a 25 year fixed rate loan - and you nodded and said, "what next?" then somebody with little or no experience in evaluating real estate went to the house you were buying to do an "appraisal," you got your lawyer (in addition to the bank's lawyer), and you closed. you paid whatever rate they told you to pay - but of course there was only one rate anyway. hallelujah, there were no "points" on the loan, because nobody had ever heard of them before. then you walked in on the first day of every month to the teller line and told them you wanted to make a payment on your mortgage, and the teller helped you do so. 25 years later, you owned your home free and clear, unless you had the wherewithal to pay it off early.

as archie and edith bunker sang, "those were the days."
Posted on: 02nd Mar, 2010 08:03 am
All the same, I'll take the options thanks. More choices can be confusing, but at the end of the day you can still elect for the simple approach if you want. For those who want a little more control over their financial future the modern mortgage environment offers a great deal more.
Posted on: 21st Apr, 2010 08:41 pm
Another difference between then and now...back in those days, you got ripped off by someone you knew and trusted. In the 21st century, you get ripped off by strangers.

Is there really any difference, though?

Then again, maybe there is. When you were dealing with people you knew, you could always identify who to go back and scream at, while now the names and faces change quite regularly.
Posted on: 22nd Apr, 2010 09:59 am
Oh, please don't deal with Ever Home Mortgage if you can help it! Their employees are rude. I have caught them in so many untruths. The are ruthless. If you fax them something they will say that they didn't receive it, even if you fax it a million times. They are totally incompetent and crooked. Stay away! :(
Posted on: 29th Sep, 2010 08:05 pm
I guess they didn't make you very happy. It's commonplace that lenders will lose things, drop the ball, and of course, their customer service is lacking in politeness. Politeness disappeared from our national radar a year or two ago, I'm afraid. Just try to go to KFC with your son and see how unfriendly the little clerk will be (true story, last night).
Posted on: 29th Sep, 2010 08:17 pm
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