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One Wells Fargo repayment plan after another - now what?

Posted on: 22nd Nov, 2007 06:34 pm
for the past 9 months i've been on one re-payment plan after another. at first each plan seemed achievable....but some unexected financial crisis would always occur that made me short on money.

at most i'd be around $300 short, but when i call wf would just create another repayment plan & start the process all over again.

seeming on the verge of foreclosure, the last time i called (in sept) i asked to talk to their loss mitigation dept, instead the collection dept set up another payment plan - make the regular payments ($860) for 3 months, then pay $3,400 at the end of dec to bring me current. i've made the regular payments, but i'm going to be $1,200 short of $3,400 (new brakes on car & medical expenses have since come up)

wf's website says their repayment plans can be worked out for up to 10 months, but so far they only offered me 3-4 month repayment plans - which have not worked for me . i'm sure at this point they will tell me that i no longer qualify for any repayment plan, but if i ask them to create one over a longer period of time will they possibly consider since they have not done that yet? or should i insist on working with the loss mit dept to save my house?

what can i expect at this point?
Posted on: 22nd Nov, 2007 09:53 pm
Hello Munchkin,

It is important for you to contact them immediately and find out what are the options for you.

If they are willing to work out another repayment plan over a longer period of time, will that help you to make your payments regular? You may talk to your lender about your present financial condition and see if they offer another repayment plan.

If that is negative, then you should think about the loss mitigation options to save your home from foreclosure.
Posted on: 23rd Nov, 2007 01:56 am
I've been in the foreclosure service industry for several years. If you are late and you're not getting anything resolved but going into default over and over again, then you need to talk with me. I can help you. What is happening is that you are gettig a lose-lose agreement with the mortgage company because you are talking to collections most likely. They don't care about anything but the almighty $$ that they collect. So, we need to go in and submit a professional hardship application to the mortgage company. Give me a call and I can explain. We have helped hundreds of homeowners nationwide with a re-instatment of their loan. They do not pull your credit for this program. Give me a call to explain the program at 1-877-414-2106. Stopmyforeclosure(dot)net
Posted on: 28th Nov, 2007 08:51 am
Hi munchkin,

Welcome to Mortgagefit discussion board.

I appreciate that you have contacted with the lender and Wells Fargo has at least tried out a repayment plan for you.

Now if you think that you cannot afford this plan, contact with the loss mitigation department and find out if you can have any affordable plan there.

If you see that you cannot afford such plans, I would advise you to go for the Short Sale. Do not let yourself go through the foreclosure process. Foreclosure will have negative affects on your credit and it will stay for long. If you go for the Short Sale, the lender will see that you have at least tried out some thing to pay him back. Short Sale has less negative effects than foreclosure and you can be approved for another loan in about 18 months after the Short Sale.

Do let me know if you have any other questions.

Posted on: 28th Nov, 2007 10:18 pm
They should have other options. Some lenders will even tack the arrearages on the back of the loan. I would contact them and let them know that you need a better solution.
Posted on: 05th Jan, 2008 06:59 pm
Most companies like Wells Fargo/Countrywide will only set you up based on the financial window you are falling in...if your income fits in that window they'll set you up on the shortest plan possible to get your loan current..I assume when they speak with you they take a financial snapshot and see where you stand....are you being truthful w/Wells Fargo about your finances? If you still can't get on a longer plan than 3-4 months ask for a supervisor they should be able to look at your history and see the 3-4 month plan won't work for you

DO NOT waste your money calling a foreclosure assistance company, you will be spending money you could be using for your mortgage and they can't do anything you can't do yourself
Posted on: 14th Feb, 2008 05:16 pm
Hi Mike,

Welcome to the forum and great suggestions.

Why do not you join this community? You can join this community and help people with you valuable suggestions and sound information. You can also earn while participating in the community. Isn't it great :)

I think money is not factor but you can help people in his need without spending a penny and at the same time can make thousand of friends worldwide :).

Are you a lender or a broker? You can introduce yourself at -

Best of luck,
Posted on: 14th Feb, 2008 05:30 pm
yeah Larry that's how we became friends, isn't it? 8)

I agree Mike, I've heard several who've been victims of foreclosure help companies. I doubt whether they are really authentic enough. Is there anyone who's been given real support by these companies and could they avoid foreclosure?
Posted on: 14th Feb, 2008 10:43 pm
i dont get this - how can munchkin130 be the original poster in a crisis and then approximately 24 hours later turn out to be a foreclosure expert with a website?

is this at all possible?????

forgive me for chiming in late on this original post, which is now almost 3 months old - i just this morning noticed it for the first time.

methinks we need to be cognizant of who is posting scenarios that will later provide the opportunity for the same person to advertise.
Posted on: 16th Feb, 2008 05:57 am
well i been in a repayment plan and now i cant pay my ballon amount. and now the loss mitigation dept. is reviewing my case. and now i recived a letter saying im in foreclosure and my house is a active sell date on aug 27.08 and now im running out of time to get 14.000.00 to pay the now i dont what to do?????
Posted on: 10th Aug, 2008 08:06 am
Welcome leo,

It could be possible that the loss mitigation dept didn't feel you were the right candidate to whom they could offer a workout plan. But you should ask for an explanation as to what went wrong and why they denied a loss mitigation plan and chose to foreclose because that's going to cost them, no doubt about it.
Posted on: 10th Aug, 2008 10:20 pm
my mortgage company is only offering me a repayment plan, after being on a couple of temp. modifications, they are raising my payment by 1000.00 $ monthly, this is ridiculous. They tell me its this, or loose the house, any options?
Posted on: 26th Jul, 2011 11:05 am
Lori, we've heard so many horror stories such as what you describe. I spoke with someone a few weeks ago who went through a temporary modification and all went well - it had reduced her payments about $800, I think she told me.

When they decided it was time for a permanent modification, they increased the new required payment to an amount that was $80 less than her previously regular monthly payment.

As she pointed out, savings of $80 per month isn't much different that what she was struggling, and being unable, to pay earlier.

What a world we live in. These lenders are inept, incompetent, inconsiderate and inconvenient, not to mention downright ridiculous.
Posted on: 26th Jul, 2011 11:47 am
I write all that, and wonder if a prospective employer might see it and shy away from me and my diatribes.

Frankly, what any prospective employer (just in case you're watching) ought to be looking at is that I'm not afraid to be frank about what's taking place in the market, that I'm aghast at the hardships that are placed on the backs of our populace, and that I'm a champion for what is right and not just jumping on board with those who seek small, convenient solutions for difficult and challenging and nigh-impossible tasks.
Posted on: 26th Jul, 2011 11:49 am
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