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Attachment of wages

Posted on: 13th May, 2012 06:14 am
I have lots of questions and will explain my situation as best I can. I have just received a note for my work that my wages are being attached for an old debt. The judgement has already been made and I was unaware of it because they were sending eveything to my old address which I have not lived in the last 4 years, so this was a surprise.
How do I find out if the SOL has ran out?
Does is start on the last payment made or when the creditor writes it off?
Need to get the information on the original debt, because it is not on my credit report.
Should I file a claim of exemption to lower the attachment or fight to have it removed due to sol?
SOL in Massachusetts is 6 years which is where I lived when I acquired the card.
SOL in Rhode Island is 10 years, which I have lived on and off for the 5 years.
Which SOL would it fall under Massachusetts or Rhode Island?
The judgement was made at a RI court.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Hi Crawlder,

The SOL varies from one state to another and also depends on the type of debt account. As you live in Massachusetts and have acquired the card there, then the SOL period of 6 years will be taken into consideration. Nevertheless, you can contact any attorney based in your state and check out the SOL period for such debts in your state. As far as I know, the SOL starts from the first date of the default. You can contact the concerned creditor or the collection agency and try to get all the required information regarding that account.

Posted on: 13th May, 2012 07:41 pm
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