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my score

Posted on: 11th Dec, 2006 10:06 am
I am trying hard for a 800 score, seems like it is quite difficult to reach that number..

I've 793 TU, Ex 778, EQ 782, there is really nothing as really bad on my report, always had clear payment history for the last 30 or so years. Do you think I can get to 800?
It is not that 800 score is unachievable. Actually is should not be taken very seriously. After you cross a score of say 730, you are in the group who are eligible for good rates while taking out a loan and be able to easily qualify for any sort of credit requirement.
Posted on: 11th Dec, 2006 10:30 am

Getting an 800 score will be really good for any one and if I can get that I will feel proud. It shows your credibility in managing your finances.

On doubt with such a score, getting credit will be much easier but we have to look what else creditors check in your report. If you have an 800 but very little of credit being taken over the years then the 800 score will not hold much value.

If on the other hand creditor finds a lot of entries where the credits you have taken have been paid off in a timely fashion then even a score of 765 will have more value than a 800.

And if you are looking for a bigger loan somewhere down the line, a 800 without good credit history will not be the main point a creditor will take into consideration. What it will mean for the creditor is that the 800 the borrower has because all the debts had been paid off on time and only little amount of outstanding debt is present.
Posted on: 11th Dec, 2006 10:47 am
It really feels nice to see someone with such good scores and that too at all the credit bureaus. And, you are too close to reaching the 800 mark, so just chill and wait for some more time.

Best of luck!
Posted on: 11th Dec, 2006 07:56 pm
Scores over 740 don't really need to be any higher, but if you want advice from the folks that started the scoring system, go to "" -- scores are ruled by credit available, time that credit has been available/used, payment history, and use of available credit. Good Luck!

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Posted on: 12th Dec, 2006 08:18 am

Congratulations! You have an excellent credit score. From 730 onwards it is considered as excellent credit score, however, if you want to improve it you can do that. It will take little time to go to 800. All I can suggest you is to make your payments on time, try to pay off the small debts as early as possible. Try to consult with consultancy who provides guidance on credit score improvement.
Best of luck.
Posted on: 10th May, 2010 12:11 pm
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