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Apply jointly for credit card

Posted on: 23rd May, 2013 12:45 am
Will it be a good option to apply for a credit card jointly after marriage?
If both of you are responsible enough regarding your finances and maintaining a good credit, then both of you can opt for a joint credit card.
Posted on: 23rd May, 2013 01:34 am
Why not? Provided both of you know how to go about it and are sure about your financial decisions.
Posted on: 23rd May, 2013 07:08 am
As long as both you and your partner are good with money and know how to manage your debt there should not be a problem. If you both are smart with your debt, having the joint card can help because you can share each other's good payments and good credit points. Your credit score after marriage can improve if you both keep on top of your spending and practice good debt management. On the flip side, if one of you adds to the debt, misses payments, or maxes out the card your scores could suffer and end in debt troubles.
Posted on: 29th Aug, 2013 03:24 am
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