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? about bk7 and second on home loan

Posted on: 18th Jun, 2010 11:20 am
my first is with boa and in a loan mod second was with litton loan who charged off and sold to real time ca well we filed bk7 and i was hoping it will take the second off i have heard anything from my second no calls no letter in like over 2 yrs my bk isnt complete yet ........But i was on my credit report i bought the 3 in one transunion is reporting it as a profit and loss on realtime and Experian say OPEN ACCOUNT DELINQUENT 180 DAYS PAST DUE DATE LAST REPORTED DELINQUENCIES: 02/2010=M ,01/2010=M

what does this mean my bk isnt showing up on some of my credit file yet..
Hi honeybeezz,

As far as I can understand, your lender has not reported the details of your account to all the credit bureaus as of yet. May be after you complete your bankruptcy and get a discharge, your lender will report it to the bureaus and the bankruptcy will come up on your credit report.

Posted on: 18th Jun, 2010 08:08 pm
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