Posted on: 09th Jul, 2009 12:05 pm
my husband and i have a credit score of about 570........i know it may take a couple of months to get it higher, but ny problem is finding someone who will be honest with me. We have went through onebroker already and he does not communicate withu s at all. He didnt even have the decenecy to call us to say that our scores were too low, we had to call his boss. then he sent an email a week later saying he's trying to get something squared away with the credit company but that was a week ago. Im totally fed up with this. i just wish someone would actually communicate better with us.
my husband and i have a credit score of about 570........i know it may take a couple of months to get it higher, but ny problem is finding someone who will be honest with me. We have went through onebroker already and he does not communicate withu s at all. He didnt even have the decenecy to call us to say that our scores were too low, we had to call his boss. then he sent an email a week later saying he's trying to get something squared away with the credit company but that was a week ago. Im totally fed up with this. i just wish someone would actually communicate better with us.
Welcoem to the forum
You did nto say what loan you are trying to apply for!
Please share
good luck
Welcoem to the forum
You did nto say what loan you are trying to apply for!
Please share
good luck
carmen, don't let the one bad apple spoil you. there are plenty of genuine, caring loan officers who'd be happy to work with you, to help you achieve your goal of getting the scores up to the point where they're workable, and to get a loan approved for you to make a purchase.
before you invest yourself in someone, check around a bit more to see if you can get a feel for what type of service you can expect. if it's bad news coming, you will be better prepared.
before you invest yourself in someone, check around a bit more to see if you can get a feel for what type of service you can expect. if it's bad news coming, you will be better prepared.
Yes just because one has let you down, There is still plenty of other nice and caring lendors out there willing to help out people. Just look else where with other lendors.
"YES"..."U"...can get a no money down mortgage..."BUT" u have 2 pay a premium up-front[in points%] & a higher rate 4 the first, second, & third mortgage:
#1. 60%...@....8.2
#2. 20%...@....7.8
#3. 20%...@....6.8
30yrs.fix...or ...adjustable....baloon
credit repair
#1. 60%...@....8.2
#2. 20%...@....7.8
#3. 20%...@....6.8
30yrs.fix...or ...adjustable....baloon
credit repair
hockjem: huh?
Where do they come from?
Here we go again and again
watch out geni - you're about to hit 1000! there's a speed bump when you get there, so put on your seat belt.
OMG...he did it and it looks like he go geni!
Watch out dude youa re close to hittign the 5000.
Looks like you will be there tomorrow with your comments like these
Looks like you will be there tomorrow with your comments like these