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Credit repair inquiry

Posted on: 24th Aug, 2007 09:55 pm
Are there any legitemate credit repair places online? I keep finding these ones tha say they can remove derrogatories and other bad stuff on your credit and you'll have good credit in 90 days but the fee's are horrendous. I think the one place I looked at was asking $249 upfront to get started. So if anyone on here has any legitemate websites, pass them along to me. I'd like to get 4 credit cards taken care of.
Hi Wildstorm,

Welcome to the forum.

Nowadays, though there are many credit repairing places available online. But most of them is involved in scams. So, I feel the best way to repair your credit is by making regular payments towards the debts.
Posted on: 26th Aug, 2007 09:07 pm
I would get a hold of copy of your credit report and find someone who can explain to you what is what in your credit and how much one thing or another affects it. Then you can start sending letter to credit beraus to correct any mistakes made. As far as anything else on there. Pay your debts on time, try to keep your credit cards balances under 1/2 of their limits, dont open too many unnesesary accounts (old credit>new credit). This should bring yur credit score up.
As far as finding a good/legit credit repair place its tough because its extremly hard to monitor their work and nothing with credit reporting/fixing set in stone.
Posted on: 27th Aug, 2007 10:03 am
Yeah Evolovik,

Those are good tips. It takes some simple tips to be on the right track and I think the first step in repairing anyone's credit would be to get a copy of the report and try to go through the details given there.

Wildstorm can just mark the lines which he cannot follow and if he finds ther's any inaccurate information, he shouldn't hesitate to get it clarified with the bureaus. It's better doing it on your own rather than take the service of others because as Evolovik says, one has to understand how the credit repair online services work and that's quite difficult.
Posted on: 27th Aug, 2007 10:54 am
"I keep finding these ones tha say they can remove derrogatories and other bad stuff on your credit and you'll have good credit in 90 days but the fee's are horrendous."

If the derogatory marks are for legit reasons then those can be removed by negotiating with the original creditor. But you need not take help of any such credit repair company. You can yourself contact the creditors and negotiate removal of such entries.

Posted on: 27th Aug, 2007 01:27 pm
Yeah I figure the best way to effectively repair your credit is just doing it yourself instead of paying someone else who may be a scammer to do it for you. Recently I had to make a phone call to transamerica bank because on my credit report, it showed that the balance of my credit card was not paid off when I did indeed pay it off last year. This was brought to my attention from a loan officer who was working on trying to get me a business loan. Its kinda funny though because before I started talking with him, I applied somewhere else and they never brought it to my attention. So I called up transamerica and they promptly took care of it.

What are some reputable credit checking companys? I was thinking of signing up with or myfico.
Posted on: 28th Aug, 2007 06:44 am
Hi Wildstorm, and, both these companies are very good credit online credit checking companies. I think you should sign up with them.
Posted on: 29th Aug, 2007 03:15 am
Hi Wildstorm,

You can get your credit report from itself. Whether it's a report from any of the 3 credit reporting agencies - Equifax, TransUnion or Experian, the website I mentioned helps you to access it. But you will get it for free once a year.

Take Care
Posted on: 29th Aug, 2007 04:48 am
Thanks for the link Sara:D I may sign up with one of those.
Posted on: 29th Aug, 2007 01:12 pm
No one decided to tell you that those companies you are thinking of running your report through are currently in a Class Action Lawsuit involving them not fully disclosing the fact that inquiring through their website reduces your scores. Just thought that might help.
Posted on: 30th Oct, 2007 01:35 pm is the real website to get a free credit report. It is your right to get 1 every year. You can get a tri merge report and dispute any incorrect items. Don't bother with the extra services everyone else tries to sell.
Posted on: 30th Oct, 2007 01:56 pm
Thought I'd bring this back up front. I just got off the phone with a mortgage broker, that my realtor knew (one of many), but this mortgage broker just told me to call this company called Credit Restoration, in Ft. Myers, FL. and speak to the owner. I told him, why? I can do whatever they do, and his response was, well, they have lawyers, working on it, and the companys respond better. CAN YOU BELEIVE THIS? I DIDN'T!
Just thought I'd add.......
Posted on: 04th Dec, 2007 02:45 pm
i am currently using & they are a law firm but when i called to sign up, they told me right up front, that what they do is no different than what i can do. it all came down to time & resources. i work full time & going to school full time - my time & resources are limited.
Posted on: 07th Dec, 2007 10:41 am
Hi Fozman and longhorngal,

Thanks for the info. Yes indeed most credit repair companies can do what in fact you are capable of doing with your credit. So, I really feel that it's better to use my finances efficiently so that I don't end up damaging my credit profile.

Posted on: 18th Dec, 2007 04:41 am
here is my suggestion to every single person who thinks he or she needs to pay someone to repair credit - STOP!

see this website, please:

the title of it is "Credit Repair: Self Help May Be Best"

this is from the Federal Trade Commission (US Gov't agency).

there can be no question that taking the time to do it yourself is the best way to fix up a spotty credit record.

failing that...if you insist that you are unable to do what you should do...find a lender somewhere (we are all over the place) who will assist you in taking the necessary steps.

once you have found a lender who is willing to spend his or her time in helping you, and you decided to then purchase a home...please respect the time invested and use that lender for the transaction. it is enervating to invest time and energy into helping someone who then turns around and displays zero loyalty by using another party to do the loan when the time comes.

okay - i am off the soapbox for now.

but please don't pay someone to do something that you can do for free yourself; yes there are honest people out there who do it, but why pay when you don't have to?
Posted on: 18th Dec, 2007 09:23 am
fozman...i hadnt even read your post about the ft myers florida firm yet when i wrote my entry above.

it should be clear to everyone that most of the for-pay credit fixers are not necessary at all.

thanks for your testimony.
Posted on: 18th Dec, 2007 09:24 am
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