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Remove dispute from credit report

Posted on: 09th May, 2012 01:31 am
Hi there. I disputed an item online more than a year ago. However, my dispute still shows as open and never dealt with. I did the dispute with only one of my cra's, but they all show that this is being disputed. Does this mean that I can send them a letter asking them to remove it, or do I mail a dv for this item to the cra?
Hi Kennsia,

As far as I know, you don't have to send them a debt validation letter in this regard. You can simply write a letter to the credit reporting agency and ask them to remove it from your credit report.

Posted on: 09th May, 2012 01:38 am
Hi Kennsia!

Welcome to forums!

You need to check out whether or not the dispute is complete. If the credit reporting agency has received positive information from the creditor/CA, then they will let the item remain in your credit report. You can just ask them to remove the dispute status. However, if the CRA has not received any information from the creditor/CA, then they are bound to remove the item from your credit report.

Feel free to ask if you've further queries.

Posted on: 09th May, 2012 08:23 pm
The best thing that you would do is to call your creditor and tell them you've received a judgment and served inappropriately with the lawsuit. Also inform them that you will hire a lawyer to file a motion to vacate judgment, if they don't want to settle debt with you.

Posted on: 09th May, 2012 10:58 pm
Interesting and frustrating. Seems we are all in the same boat - can't get approved on a mortgage because there are old disputes on my reports which have now been cleared up. Experian let me "Delete Remark" on-line, and I received a confirmation email that the "Investigation" was complete. However, when I viewed the "Updated" trade-line, it still says "Consumer disputes..."
Posted on: 09th May, 2012 11:39 pm
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