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Credit report - remove items

Posted on: 12th May, 2012 12:02 am
Hi there. I got my student loans deferred for a year. I may even get them forgiven if Sally Mae accepts a letter from my VA doctor stating I am disabled. When I first disputed the negative information on my credit report, it yielded some results. It allowed me to qualify for a low limit unsecured credit card and a car loan. I went a head and paid 9k towards the car and only use 15% of my credit a month and pay it off at the end of the month. Today I sent each CRA a letter asking for 3 items to be removed due to 7.5 years pass. I also wrote my intent to pursue legal action if the CRA fails to follow FCRA regulations and to verify the two debts with documentation. Can you tell me what are my chances of getting the items removed from my credit report? I really want to buy a house.
Hi Kelm,

If the debt accounts are more than 7 years old, then they should be removed from your credit report normally by the credit reporting agencies. As you have already contacted them, I'm sure that they will get removed from your credit report. Once they get removed from your credit report, your scores will also start improving.

Posted on: 12th May, 2012 12:52 am
Welcome Kelm,

I don't think you will face any problems in removing the negative item from your credit report. As you have already send them a letter asking them to remove the negative items from your credit report, I think they will remove it and it will have a positive impact on your credit report.
Posted on: 13th May, 2012 08:39 pm
One problem that is supposed to stay on your credit report for 7 years are repossessions. A negative mark like this will have a major effect on your credit score. How ever you don't have to wait 7 years before applying for credit again on a home.

Posted on: 14th May, 2012 01:17 am
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