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credit score

Posted on: 16th Aug, 2008 09:13 am
hey i want to see my credit score but i do not have a credit card how do i get my score
Welcome Guest.

It is not always necessary to have a credit card to get then credit score? I think you don't have any credit. Is it the fact? Then you can apply for a credit card or some personal loan and make on time payments of all the bills to generate credit score.

Let me know if you have any further queries.
Posted on: 18th Aug, 2008 01:34 am
Or, are you asking if you want to see your credit score but without a credit card, you dont have any means of paying for the credit report?

As you probably know, you can order your credit report (without a score) free once a year...but to request your score, the credit bureaus do charge a fee. I usually use once a year and pay to get my scores from all 3 bureaus. I dont know how you would order a credit score without a credit or debit card. You could buy a pre-loaded credit card (you know, you put money onto a card, then you can use the card) like a Visa Buxx card from US Bank or similar.
Posted on: 18th Aug, 2008 09:31 am
annualcreditreport dot com. One FREE credit report per bureau per year. Part of FCRA.
Posted on: 21st Aug, 2008 02:51 am
Yes, but the free report does not include a score to my knowledge.
Posted on: 21st Aug, 2008 07:47 am
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