Posted on: 07th Jan, 2011 01:39 pm
i purchase home in 1996, refinanced in 1998. title company filed a transfer of lien in feb 99. now i am unable to get a home equity loan because they want a release of lien. title company says that texas law indicates the transfer of lien in 99 is good for texas laws to show a release of lien. the lender keeps stating they need a county filed release of lien. title company says lender does not know texas homestead laws and good luck. i do not know what to do to clear this up. anyone know how to get a release of lien from a now defunct original and refinance mortgage company. is it the title company being unwillingunable to provide the document. it would seem they should have filed release and transfer? do i need a real estate attorney to get this cleared up? called texas consumer protection but they were not helpful either. any help would be very much appreciated.
hi texasbearfamily,
a lender can issue a release of lien only when you pay off the dues in full. you are applying for a second mortgage. in such a situation, the previous transfer of lien should work fine. you should have a word with an attorney and check out if he can help you in this regard.
a lender can issue a release of lien only when you pay off the dues in full. you are applying for a second mortgage. in such a situation, the previous transfer of lien should work fine. you should have a word with an attorney and check out if he can help you in this regard.