Posted on: 11th Aug, 2010 08:20 am
My house went into foreclosure. My name is on the mortgage only due to FL Law but not on the deed nor the note can the bank come after me for payment? The house was sold for a fraction of what my husband purchase it. So he has a deficiency mortgage.
If your name is on the mortgage then it is on the note as well, same thing. Contact a real estate attorney in FL to discuss your situation.
My name isn't on the note. At the time of purchase I wasn't working and i had bad credit. The only reason I signed the mortgage is because we are married. The loan did not report in my credit I couldn't even call them if I had a question.
Hi Jean,
If your name is mentioned on the mortgage docs, then you're liable for the loan payments. In that case, the lender would be able to come after you for the payments.
If your name is mentioned on the mortgage docs, then you're liable for the loan payments. In that case, the lender would be able to come after you for the payments.