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Posted on: 18th Jul, 2012 10:48 am
Do I have 30 days after a foreclosure is sold?
Hi marmie!

Welcome to forums!

Why do you need these 30 days? Are you speaking about moving out of the property? If yes, then you will get an eviction letter from the lender which will mention the time period to leave the property.

Feel free to ask if you've further queries.

Posted on: 18th Jul, 2012 08:27 pm
Hello marmie,

If you faced a short term hardship that has led you into facing foreclosure and this short term hardship has ended and things are relatively back to normal, sometimes the banks will offset arrears and penalties.

Posted on: 19th Jul, 2012 01:18 am
I assume you not asking about a redemption period but want to know how long you can ge Court system is HORRIBLY slow so the sherifd will likely not be filed until 45 days after the sale. Remember the court employees are government worker so you get the idea. After thatsually 15 day demand in the eviction notice and another 15 days to execute if you at moved.
Posted on: 19th Jul, 2012 03:57 pm
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