Posted on: 25th Sep, 2009 10:04 am
My father passed away in 2003. I filed an Affidevit of Heirship with the county. The county changed the name on the deed. He left an active Mortgagge, which my name is not on. I have been making payments, but I its getting diffucult. I talked with the Mortgage company. They said, since I have the Aff. of Heirship, if the house is foreclosed on it will forclose on me. Is this true?
a foreclosure action has to be brought against the owner of the home. if you are the owner, then you'd have to be the party sued.
rae rae
have you tried to refinance the loan in your name at a lower rate and see you cna avoid this foreclosure
have you tried to refinance the loan in your name at a lower rate and see you cna avoid this foreclosure
I have been unable to find a company who will do it. Since they said, I got it via Aff. of Heirship, then they will not do it. I have also been told the value is not large enough. I only owe about 45K on the house.
value is, of course, a vital component in determining if a loan would be available.