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what is the HOEPA threshhold for a home equity loan in first lien position?

Posted on: 22nd Sep, 2008 11:53 am
If we offer a home equity product to a member who does not have a first mortgage would we use the 8% or 10% thresh hold to determine if it falls under HOEPA?
Hi englandj!

I do not think that home equity loans can be offered to a member who does not have a first mortgage.

8% can be used in case of 1st liens or 10 in case of junior liens if the person has a first mortgage. In some states there can be lower thresholds like 7% for a 1st lien.
Posted on: 23rd Sep, 2008 04:44 am
i don't know the ins and outs of the HOEPA requirements, but there is no reason you cannot use the home equity product as a first mortgage.
Posted on: 23rd Sep, 2008 12:37 pm
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