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Need a mortgage

Posted on: 12th Sep, 2008 06:01 am
I have a 3 year employment history. a credit card for approx. 3 months and I had a telephone under my friends contract for 2 years. I now have my own Sprint account since May 2008. I ffound a home I want to purchase. I have money saved. Can I get a mortgage?

My credit shows no score or credit.
jas, please see my other response.
Posted on: 12th Sep, 2008 08:21 am
If you have a large amount down and/or other payment histories such as rent or utilities. If you don't have all the above your going to find it very hard going.
Posted on: 12th Sep, 2008 04:54 pm
Hi jas,

Welcome to forums.

You have good employment history no doubt. But have you been paying for the credit card debts so far? you don't have a credit history it seems. Then I think you can opt for FHA loans. However, you may qualify for conventional loans with lenders who accept alternative credit scores. Check out some details on alternative credit scores .

And just in case you'd like to see what George has advised, here's the page: .

Posted on: 13th Sep, 2008 12:01 am
I would try and get a secured credit card or something to show payment history to the credit bureaus. It will be very difficult to get approved at this time. Waiting a year or two while establishing credit would be my best advice.
Posted on: 15th Sep, 2008 11:25 pm
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