usually, with a stated income loan, you're going to be limited to 75% ltv maximum in trying to cash out.
you might find a lender, but it won't be an easy ordeal.
you might find a lender, but it won't be an easy ordeal.
Do yourself a favor and really sit down and do the math. See how much this pool is going to cost you. See what the increased payments will be. Dont forget to add PMI. You will be making these payments for 12 months when you may only use the pool for a portion of the year. How much will the pool increase the value of your home and what will your total payments be against the "pool portion" of your loan?
how do i review on line
Welcome LARRY,
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It will be impossible to get any loan at 85% w/o proving income.
That went away after all the upheaval in the mortgage business a few years back. No lender is dealing with that risk any longer.
That went away after all the upheaval in the mortgage business a few years back. No lender is dealing with that risk any longer.