Posted on: 18th Jan, 2013 11:19 am
Hello. My name is Kevin. I've done some research on timeshares and specifically deeded timeshares. Here is what I have learned. Timeshares will never sell. And without paying matinence fee, credit history can be hurt as well as your generations to come. A deed in perpetuity is your life, children, and grandchildren. These developers really did a Job on the average citizen. The solution I found is simple. You can pass your timeshare as a deed of gift. It will cost a fee for title preparation and a fee to transfer to the recipient of the timeshare. Assuming you can find someone willing to assume the fees of matinence and assessments. That's the most challenging part. Well, I have terminal illness and I opened a company to assume deeds in my name and my social security. I am relieving many unhappy timeshare owners of a lot of worry, stress, and financial obligations. When I pass away, the timeshare will have no where to go except back to the developer. I have no concern about my credit history, phone calls from collectors and I have already assumed hundreds of old timeshares. I would be happy to discuss the specifics if you are interested. My email is sorensk34@ I finally found a way to get a little pressure back to these timeshare developers. Because, to me I just don't need good credit soon and no one to pass on this obligation. Feels pretty good. Each transfer fee is different from resort to resort but I do all the work for you. Hope this helps. Kevin Sorensen
Hi Kevin,
It's good to note that you're trying to help people. But what if the concerned creditors/lenders file a lawsuit and you become responsible for being present in the court? Though your idea to help people is quite good but things may get difficult for you.
It's good to note that you're trying to help people. But what if the concerned creditors/lenders file a lawsuit and you become responsible for being present in the court? Though your idea to help people is quite good but things may get difficult for you.
Kevin, how can I contact you?