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Legal limitations on property taxes

Posted on: 13th Mar, 2007 11:22 pm
I want information regarding are there any legal limitations on property taxes. Further i want to know when is the limit on property levy taxes exceeded? Hope to find a good solution
Hi Pankul,

There are four legal limitations on property taxes:
  • 1% constitutional limit:
    This is the primary restriction which limits the total regular property tax to a maximum of $10 per $1,000 of the market value of the property. Ports and public utility districts are excluded from the $10 limit.

  • Maximum Statutory rates:
    The maximum rates on property tax vary with respect to states, counties, cities, towns, districts etc.

  • Limitation for taxing districts:
    There is a limitation on the increase in regular property tax for taxing districts. Currently the limitation per year for almost all districts is 101% of their highest lawful levy along with an extra amount for the purpose of any new construction within the district. However, the 101% limitation is applied on the total property tax for taxing districts and not on individual properties.

  • Excess Levy:
    Excess levies are not subjected to any kind of limitation stated above. The tax assessor takes into account the taxing district budget request, total assessed value of taxing district and limitations to establish the levy rate. For every thousand dollars of the assessed value, the levy rate is expressed in dollars.
Posted on: 14th Mar, 2007 12:19 am
Thanks helping user.
What about my second query. Please someone help me on that.
Posted on: 14th Mar, 2007 01:07 am
The limit on the property tax levy is fixed up by the county authorities in the taxing district. The tax assessor uses the taxing district budget request, the total assessed value of the taxing district and the limitations to establish the levy rate. For every thousand dollars of the assessed value, rates are expressed in dollars.
Posted on: 14th Mar, 2007 01:10 am
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