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Posted on: 14th Apr, 2011 11:39 am
how do you find out who the collection agency is? when the mortgage company says, if there is one, we dont know who it is.
In this case, the loan was charged off by First Franklin then sold or quit claimed to Bank of America.

Who has control of the home? Can it be lived in? Rented? Sold?

Hi TLaw!

Welcome to forums!

Your credit report must have some updated information about the collection agency who is presently owning your account. If you pay off the mortgage to the collection agency, then you'll be able to save the property.

Feel free to ask if you've further queries.

Posted on: 14th Apr, 2011 08:24 pm
Thanks for you response.

I just pulled an eqifax, says CO for Home Loan Serv, which is First Franklin. No info on a new creditor or on BOA even though I know they have the loan info because they contacted me once and ive spoke with them about this. The one and only time BOA contacted me was in Sept. of
2010. They received the account in July or August.

Any other ways to find out that you can think of?

Who is responsible for the taxes?
Posted on: 18th Apr, 2011 09:30 am
Hi TLaw!

Welcome to forums!

You can contact your original creditor and check out the name of the collection agency to whom they had charged off the debt. This might help you.

Feel free to ask if you've further queries.

Posted on: 18th Apr, 2011 11:05 pm
Hi Tlaw,

Welcome to Mortgagefit,

If you have their address you can send them debt validation letter through the registered mail.If you do not have their mail address you can either search it on these websites after putting name of the agency.

Even if it does not work you may search on the official website of the state attorney general of your state and can find out their address.

Debt validation is the first step towards paying the dues to the collection agencies.

Feel free to ask any further query if you have....

Posted on: 21st Apr, 2011 03:40 am
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