Posted on: 14th Jan, 2010 11:22 am
'I have been sued for partition of 3 properties. I want to keep the property I reside in. My partner has asked for much more than what is being partitioned, to force the auction. This really threw me for a loop that he could do that. I must get financing to bid and no bank will finance because I am not the sole owner and any loan must be co-signed. I am feeling he is legally screwing me. Is there a defense strategy for this?'
get a lawyer - that's the best defense i know. never having had the experience of being sued in such a manner, i cannot tell you how to proceed, but i think it's imperative that you have legal counsel to help you with this.
i am with george on this one. You can always go down to legal aid and get some advise, but do not try to do this on your own.
it's always nice to have company. thanks, elnora!