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Can a married man put on his mortage that he is a single man

Posted on: 03rd Nov, 2006 08:45 am
Can a married man put on his mortage that he is a single man?

Not disclosing the fact that you are married is not necessary at the time you apply for a mortgage as even if you are married you can get a mortgage on your own and your married status will not have any affect on it.
Posted on: 03rd Nov, 2006 09:34 am
Also while filling the mortgage application you need to specify the martial status, whether married, single or separated.

So if you fill the form as single while actually a married person then it will be a false statement.
Posted on: 03rd Nov, 2006 10:02 am
And if you happen to live in a community property state, even if you do the loan and title in your name only, the lender will most likely require that your wife sign a quitclaim deed.

Posted on: 04th Nov, 2006 04:54 am
Hi Guest,

Not revealing the true information may lead you into trouble in future. The lender would like to know about your ownership rights on the property as he will be having interest in the property. So, I personally feel it's better to provide the exact information.


Posted on: 05th Nov, 2006 08:42 am
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