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Posted on: 25th Feb, 2011 09:29 am
in divorce, husband's attorney advises him to give wife sole title to house and keep mortgage in husband's name only for 2 years. wife supposed to refinance. does not, allows house to be foreclosed on to get back at ex. lives in house for one year free. now redeeming property since husband's credit ruined and not hers. is this legal?? seems fraudulent to me since she makes $80,000 a year and could have made payments like she was supposed to with no problem.
Posted: 25 Feb 2011 09:29 am Post subject: Fraudulent?
In divorce, husband's attorney advises him to give wife sole title to house and keep Mortgage in husband's name only for 2 years
Are you serious? This is the worse advice ever - was it her attorney? She was shrewd - NEVER owe on a house you do not own.....that was a huge mistake and while it was shady I dont see any fraud here? Now if she and the attorney discussed this potential outcome it could have been something illegal (not an atty) but proving that would be almost impossible unless
Posted on: 26th Feb, 2011 11:45 am
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