Posted on: 21st Apr, 2011 04:02 pm
What does Lis Pendens mean
Welcome MoneyTalksLoudly,
Lis Pendens refers to a pending lawsuit or to a specific situation with a public notice of litigation that has been recorded at the same place where the title of the property has been recorded. It secures a plaintiff's claim on the property so that the sale, mortgage, or encumbrance of the property will not diminish the plaintiff's rights to the property.
Lis Pendens refers to a pending lawsuit or to a specific situation with a public notice of litigation that has been recorded at the same place where the title of the property has been recorded. It secures a plaintiff's claim on the property so that the sale, mortgage, or encumbrance of the property will not diminish the plaintiff's rights to the property.
Lis Pendens means that the homeowner isn't paying the mortgage or at least not paying some months. They may be in negotiations with their bank. The reason why when you call a realtor about a property in Lis Pendens and she doesn't see it on Mls is simply that the house is not on the market. The homeowner Can be contacted personally. You may help them get out of their delemma by offering to buy the house for what they owe, or for the market value for that community. You can ask the homeowner to let you have an appraisal done to determine a fair price and who knows, you might be able to buy it if he agrees.