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mortgage fraud

Posted on: 21st Jul, 2007 02:35 am
what can I do help
I Nick Ramirez am writing this letter regarding the Mortgage loan with AMC. How I was lie to by Mark VerPlanck of Argent Mortgage Company. He promise to help me with this invalid loan and help me fix my credit he lie.

He sends me an identity theft request forms to fill out on May 3, 2007. When I receive the identity theft forms

I call Mark VerPlanck and inform him that this was not about identity theft I told him it about fraud and forgery

He said don't worry about a thing, I have provided all the necessary documentation too. And a valid police report stating that the broker commit fraud and forgery. All the necessary documentation down below

June 28, 2007, I receive a letter from Mark VerPlanck Argent Mortgage Company stating that there were no wrongdoing on Argent Mortgage Company and the Broker. Also in this letter it state that there is many options are available to bring my account current. I never receive the options, Now on July 16 2007. I receive a letter of Notice of Trustee's Sale on my door. That is 18 day ago without no notice last week I call Argent Mortgage Company and ask them if there was a new foreclose date they said no last week I receive a packets from Argent Mortgage Company with more document this time there were more forge document a list in this letter.

I have provided Argent Mortgage Company with proof back in April 2007 and again in July 2007.

This has been very emotional and a disconcerting experience. I have been victimize at the hands of

Mark VerPlanck of Argent Mortgage Company. This new sale date must be stop this is a fraud and forgery loan

There is to so many invalid document this loan is not valid.

The, Deed of Trust is not valid this loan cannot be sold it the law

June 28, 2007, I receive a letter from Mark VerPlanck Argent Mortgage Company stating that there were no wrongdoing on Argent Mortgage Company and the Broker.

Last Friday I call the mortgage companies ask if there was a new sale date they said no

On July 16 2007. I receive a letter of Notice of Trustee�s Sale on my door

DATE POSTING July 13, 2007

DATE OF SALE 8-07-07


1, Limited Power of Attorney

Not my signature on this document.

2, Signature /Name/ Affidavit

Not my signature on this document.

3, Borrower Closing Procedores

Not my signature on this document, also I never sign this document. These documents just show up last week. Dated 2-11-06. I never sign anything on this date.

4, Borrower Certifications of income

Not my signature on this document, also I never sign this document. These documents just show up last week.

5, DeeD Of Trust 1#

I receive document from the county of Alameda Official Recorded

My name look like it was white out and looks like it was fill in by hand

The initial are not my signature.

Also this is not the same document as 2# and 3#

Because if you look under the initial there a phone number (900-521-7291)

6, Deed Of Trust 2# and 3#

I receive document from the mortgage Co. Document 2# receive in April 2007,

Documents 3# receive in July 2007 from the mortgage Co. These two Documents my name is correct.

The initial are not my signature. These two DeeD of Trust are not the same as the DeeD of Trust 1#

Because if you look under the initial there a phone number (800-521-7291) on these two Documents 2# and 3#.

And not recorded though the county of Alameda.

7, this page I never seen or sign on Dated April 5, 2006. This is forgery and fraud on who ever sign this letter.4 #

I was well aware of my credit and the trade lines I never file identity theft I did have one fraud account that I report to the four Credit Bureaus in Jan 2006. Note I put 10 months of work in my credit for noting paid for nine of the online monitors services to fix the errors. Wrote over 500 letters to the Credit Bureaus called week after week and all for noting. This was about bad reporting and No help from the Credit Bureaus, This is not about identity theft it about fraud unless. The one who wrote this letter that I receive last week. The signature on this letter is not my signature. This is not right or fair. Note:

8, Uniform Residential Loan Application document 5 # and Assets and liabilities document 6 # and Continuation Sheet/Residential Loan Application document, 7 #. I never sign any of these documents. Last week was the first time I seen this document that was send from the mortgage Co... That I will be sending you.

Note: You have documents 4# 5# 6# with same signature. Document 4# date April 3 2006 .14 days later you have

Document 5# and 6# date April 17 2006 with the same signature. On Assets and liabilities document states that there was an interview by telephone with, Cong Le. Os how it could be that letter.4 #and 5 #6 # have the same signature. And the Application document does not have my signature on it and last week was the first time I ever seen this document that was require by law.

9, Grant Deed Date April 17 2006. I never sign this document this is not my signature nor did I sign personally before Shelly Poe.
Welcome nick,

I must say you're being victimized by loan frauds which are quite frequent in this industry. A lot of people are going through and believe me it's becoming a day to day affair. What I shall suggest is that you contact a lawyer immediately and ask if you can take any legal action against Mark VerPlanck of Argent Mortgage Company.
Posted on: 21st Jul, 2007 02:48 am
Hi Nick,

First of all, let me tell you that there are a lot of companies which promise to repair a person's credit by providing them with a loan or by some other means. But most of these companies are into all kinds of illegal activities. I guess this is just a means of extracting more money from innocent people. I think this is what has happened to you also.

The Argent Mortgage company, well, I'm not sure though, but it seems from your post, have made a false promise to fix your credit and then they landed you in trouble.

Moreover, the company have also made false signatures in your name and sent you certain documents. This is really something illegal. And, when they have agreed to provide you with a date for the home sale, they should have let you know when you did contact them several times. The company has messed up the whole situation here. Well, I am not a legal professional but I think this is the right time for you to take some legal action. Otherwise, you would either lose your home or else pay a large sum at the hands of such a company.

As far as reporting to the bureaus is concerned, I think it would have been better had you complained to the Federal Trade Commission. And, it seems that the company has used some signatures in almost every document they've sent you. Well, you need to get out of this, so do not delay any more. Just contact the lawyer asap and see what you can do.

Good luck :)
Posted on: 21st Jul, 2007 03:31 am
You have stated in your post that on many of the documents the signatures you see are not yours and have been forged by someone. Contact an attorney and discuss how this can be proved. If you have sufficient proof that the signatures are not yours then file a lawsuit against them. I'm sure that the verdict will be given in your favor. Also file a complaint against this company with Department of Banking in your state & with FTC.

Posted on: 21st Jul, 2007 03:24 pm
"How I was lie to by Mark VerPlanck of Argent Mortgage Company. He promise to help me with this invalid loan and help me fix my credit he lie. "

You were really trapped by them into a loan fraud. I would in your best interest to contact an attorney and tell all the details. You should sue them for copying your signatures on various loan documents.
Posted on: 21st Jul, 2007 07:39 pm
"what can I do help
I Nick Ramirez am writing this letter regarding the Mortgage loan with AMC. How I was lie to by Mark VerPlanck of Argent Mortgage Company. He promise to help me with this invalid loan and help me fix my credit he lie. "

Nick, file a complaint with FTC -$.startup?Z_ORG_CODE=PU01
Posted on: 27th Jul, 2007 06:42 pm
my home go on sale Oct 25 2007. 7 day away out of all the documents three have my signature I will be posting the documents for you to see
Posted on: 18th Oct, 2007 12:31 pm
Hi Nick,

This is really become now day to day affairs. I am really sorry for you. You have said "I will be posting the documents for you to see". This is really helpful for us. Please post it as early as possible, so that we can help you farther.

With best wishes,
Posted on: 22nd Oct, 2007 04:49 am
Thank all for the comments and support .I have done most of every thing 7 on your side did have a hand writing analyst determined the loan documents were Forged. Governor all of the Departments Corporation, Justices,Real Estate ,FTC Alameda District Attorneys office ,FBI, Police, Lawyers bankruptcy court that are to help. Well there helping the wrong ones.This conld have stop back lc 2007.
This is a game and were not in it we are a joke look at what happening notingI hope every one understand what I am trying to say because I dont understand,
I have prove it and do you think any one has call me back no. Pinnacle Financial has gone bankruptcy in May 2008 the broke licensed use and owner Ngo Huyen THU of Pinnacle withdrawal in late 2007.

Selly Poe the one who help to defraud me also got a free card and so did cong Lee he said he the one who help never met him or talk to ever.and I am the only one list as the creditor for $10,000 can you believe they close down because me .AMC Argent sold my loan to CITI CR in 9-23-07. Now citi CR said they dont have noting to do with the loan .Well there wrony they boungh the loan they took over now it on them, pus Argent is citi CR I have court date 11-5-2008 they file Notice of Motion and Motion FOR Judgment on Pleading Memorandum of Ponit and Authorities in Support Thereof .I prove them all wrong 100% forgery and over charges so what are we to do well in inthe hands of the court . If you like to check my
case number RG07353134 Alameda county court or come to court for support Oakland ca 9.30 am Dep 30 the old post office 14th st or maybe some lawyer can standup and help or any one just come and show your support the more poeple the better we need to put a stop to this game. I do not have a lawyer .I am repenting my self in court
Posted on: 26th Oct, 2008 01:02 am
Hi nick r!

You said that
"Governor all of the Departments Corporation, Justices,Real Estate ,FTC Alameda District Attorneys office ,FBI, Police, Lawyers bankruptcy court that are to help. Well there helping the wrong ones."

Can you tell what are these people telling you? Are they not addressing your problem?

In my opinion, it would be better if you can take the help of an attorney who deals with the mortgage frauds. I can feel that your opponents are in a better position than you. In order to get justice it is better to take some legal help.

Posted on: 27th Oct, 2008 01:29 am
It seems like you have been victimized by loan fraud. Companies which offer services including repairing your credit by providing you a bad credit loan are usually fraudulent companies. Since most people are in a struggle to repair their credit scores, they become more encouraged to engage with companies such as these which are solely created to extract money from innocent people. Since the company made false documents and forged your signatures which are certainly illegal, the best move is to take some legal action. File a police report, and report them to the Federal Trade Commission.
Posted on: 28th Feb, 2013 11:19 pm
In 2006,Victims of these crimes are victims over and over again. You go to the state and they tell you they can not help you. DA office of your county say the same thing. News papers do not tell the real truth. FBI never helped. If you can find a lawyer, they make mistakes that the banks use against the case. The Bank lawyers know every trick. Statue of limitation is used against you. The court system is the problem. The judges do not want a case like this. It takes to much time. After years of trying to prove you have a case, the bank will ask for a summary judgment, this stops a trail. The judge plays into the banks hands and closes the case. Refusing your evidence and the right for a trail.
The evidence I had was:
1.Hand writing examine report.
2. Misspelt signature on deed of transfer and settlement document.
3.No power of attorney
4.Husbands death certificate was not the original with the state seal.
5.Notary lost license.
6. Appraiser lost license and made a deal with the state.
7.Letter from state investigation that I was defrauded.
8.Letter from Banks Lawyer.
9. Letter from title ins. agency
10.All documents signed on the same day and mortgage for so call new owner.
11. Check for my mortgage was signed six days later.
12.No promssion to pay my loan off.
13..Broker/ buyer had no license.
14..Documents had four difference address for buyer
15..HUD settlement document was illegal.
16. The appraiser, notary, buyer, live near one another far away from my home.
There is a lot more laws that was deined. The bank I was fighting was AIG. I'm 70 years old and I might become homeless after 40 years living in the house.
Posted on: 22nd Aug, 2013 12:53 pm
Hi hinda,

I can understand the tough situation you are in. I will suggest you to contact a good real estate attorney and take his opinion and help in this matter. As you have so much proof, it will be easier for you to win the case with the help of a good lawyer.

Posted on: 22nd Aug, 2013 09:42 pm
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